Sunday, 18 November 2012

Stillness - #04

When my running partner and good friend, Mel took this picture of me after one of our trail runs - I knew I would be using it in #Project 40.  I give her all the credit for this shot because it is not only a great shot but it captures so much of what all us slightly maturing woman are looking for.  Tranquility and calm in the crazy schedules of motherhood, school runs and work - is just a little... { stillness}.

We are not only living in the information age but we are living in the electronic age and we seldom switch off.  seldom stop.  seldom be still.  I am a bit of a gadget junkie, so it was a purposeful decision I took this year to switch off.  To quieten down the noise a bit.  I needed to reconnect with myself again.

It's in the stillness of these stolen moments, when we are out trail running, hiking or surfing that I found my quiet.  my calm.  my still.