Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Submerged - #11

I think we have all felt like this at some point in our lives.  Completely overburdened, swamped, like we are drowning and can't keep our head above water!   So grateful it isn't a constant feeling but comes in waves or seasons...  Sometimes when we are in the midst of being dunked under by the pressures of life and schedules... Is to remind ourselves that we always come up for air...  For as long as I can remember - November has been my month of {submersion}.  It's filled with hectic extra mural regime, exams, end of year concerts, carols and off the chart schedules!  It's sometimes feels like everything is jammed in as the year is running out!  This is my reminder to myself as November approaches - to remember to come up for air!


  1. Please breath my friend! For me August seems to be that kind of month, when all starts again. November is all about preparing for Christmas. That and keeping warm.

    1. thanks my friend! I'm hoping with the girls getting better - November will be more manageable! It's insane how close we are to Christmas, isn't it! Where has the year gone!
